Step 1.
We recently launched a brand new website to better communicate the value of NoMoreClipboard. Our new website was the first step of an initiative to steadily improve your user experience.
Step 2.
Next up, we’re deploying a new logo to replace the 10 year-old mark that has served us well. The new logo reflects the various online platforms used by patients to interact with our applications — desktops, notebooks, tablets and mobile devices — and it represents a commitment to a cleaner and simpler look and feel that will extend to everything we do.
We are deploying the new logo in stages — starting with this website and other marketing materials. Our patient portal and personal health record applications will retain the old logo for a bit longer, and will be updated as we make product improvements.
Step 3.
We have been talking with our current users about what they like about NoMoreClipboard and what they would like us to improve, and we are in the process of updating our user interface, our user experience and the overall design of our applications. Rather than raze the structure and rebuild, we are conducting a room-by-room makeover — retaining the powerful functionality you rely on, making interactions easier and more intuitive, and enhancing your experience. Along the way, the new logo will be phased into our products.
NoMoreClipboard will look better, work better, and help you better manage your health and health information.